Corona Store: Toast Notifications and Lua Utilities

Corona Store: Toast Notifications and Lua Utilities

We have a few exciting new plugins available on the Corona Store: Spiral Code Studio returns to bring us Toast-style notifications, and Xibalba Studios brings two new utilities, written in Lua.

Please visit the store to activate plugins, or to submit a plugin yourself.

1. Toast Notifications

By Spiral Code Studio

Toasts are messages displayed to the user for a brief time. You can now use them on Android and iOS, thanks to this plugin.

Using it is quite simple:

Check it out on the Corona Store.

2. MWC Random Number Generator

By Xibalba Studios

This is a simple, lightweight random number generator, adapted to Lua from some code by the late George Marsaglia (who maintained the famed Diehard test suite, for assessing various random number generators properties).

Check it out on the Corona Store.

3. Stable Array

By Xibalba Studios

This is a data structure much like a stock Lua array, except that removing objects doesn’t entail moving other objects, neither by shifting them down nor backfilling the liberated slot. Doing this naively in Lua would lead to holes, of course, such that the # operator becomes unreliable, to say nothing of ipairs() no longer iterating all elements, in general.

Check it out on the Corona Store.

  • Steven Johnson (Star Crunch)
    Posted at 17:28h, 02 September

    My apologies if anybody has issues with #3 (I seem to be, anyhow). I’ll see if I can puzzle it out tonight. Still learning the process a bit.

    I’ll flesh out the docs with some examples (for 2 and 3) as well.

  • Steven Johnson (Star Crunch)
    Posted at 13:22h, 03 September

    Okay, #3 seems to be good now. A boring little detail was out of order. 🙂 Examples and install instructions have been added to the docs.

  • Adi
    Posted at 00:05h, 04 September

    Toast Notifications seems interesting but from the doc content it seems it is pure client. there is no method to control from a server. was that the intention?

    • Lerg
      Posted at 04:15h, 05 September

      Toast notifications are merely a text display overlay. If you want, you can combine them with push notifications. E.g., when a push is received show a toast notifications like “update is available” or “somebody sent you a message”.

  • Simon Fearby
    Posted at 20:24h, 19 September


    Try OneSignal for server controlled push notifications

    Thanks Lerg

  • Joshua
    Posted at 02:20h, 25 March

    Awesome! But it does not work in the simulator, you have to download the app on your device first, no problem for me though.

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