17 February 2016
Apple is dropping support for the iAds App Network. What does that mean to you?
Recently, Apple announced plans to drop support for the iAds advertising network. However it appears that’s not the case — instead, they are dropping support for iAds App Network. Although these sound similar, they are quite different.
The iAds App Network was a feature where you could become an “advertiser” and advertise your apps inside other people’s apps. This app promotion network seems to be what’s closing down. Apple will not be taking new clients for this program, but it appears that you can still use typical iAds in your app.
Depending on how you interpret the announcement and subsequent tech blog posts, you may not be confident in iAds. If this is the case, you may want to consider an alternate monetization method such as the Facebook Audience Network or AppLovin.
Posted at 11:57h, 17 FebruaryIf I am correctly understanding Apple’s press release and other articles I have found online, iAds is NOT going away, at least not completely. Only the ads from the “iAd App Network” program are going away. iAd App Network is just a subset of the iAd ecosystem so this means that the Corona iAds plugin will still work and have ads to load, there will just be a lot fewer of them. Here is an article that does a decent job of explaining the situation:
Posted at 06:47h, 18 FebruaryI also understood it as iAds isn’t going away but you can no longer submit ads to the network. Existing apps will work fine showing ads.
Posted at 08:34h, 18 FebruaryNo after June 30 you won’t make any money
Eric Kinkead
Posted at 00:45h, 20 FebruaryI never made much with iAds. I have it in 1 free app, I will need to update. However I do prefer pay2play though and have had a lot more with an app with that. Curious to know what is the best ad service to use for free games these days though.
Posted at 13:07h, 20 Februaryadmob