Corona developer Olivier Romanetti's educational app "Read - Kids learn to read and write in 20 easy lessons" recently shot up to the #1 spot in Apple's U.S. App Store. Check out his work!...
Corona Labs is pleased to announce our latest monetization plugin for kids app. SuperAwesome is a great plugin for you to integrate in your family friendly games and apps. Learn more in this announcement....
Avokiddo is a small indie studio focused on making fun educational apps. Are they successful? Read about their accolades how Corona SDK made it all possible....
Corona Labs is pleased to announce the latest public release of Corona SDK, Corona Enterprise and CoronaCards. Learn what features we've added to our latest stable version....
Starting on June 1, 2016, Apple will begin enforcing a new policy on apps that use networking. Read further to understand the implications of this policy and how it might affect you....
This week's featured app is a great example of what you can build with Corona. Learn about Tower Crush and see if it inspires you to create something awesome.