From the Store

We have a few exciting new plugins available on the Corona Store: Collision calculation made simple, a 2D vector math library, and a module for time-based animations. Please visit the store to activate plugins, or to submit a plugin yourself. 1. Collision Calculator By Roaming Gamer This plugin allows users to generate a calculator 'object' that then allows them to easily configure collisions using names instead of numbers. [crayon-5f8df5461e8ca616214121/] Check it out on the Corona Store. 2. Math2d By Roaming Gamer The math2d plugin provides a set of standard 2d vector math operations, including: addition, subtraction, difference, dot, cross, angle2Vector, vector2Angle, length, squared length, and normalize. Check it out on...

We have a few exciting new plugins available on the Corona Store: Spiral Code Studio hits us yet again with LED flashlight control, vibration control, and text to speech. Please visit the store to activate plugins, or to submit a plugin yourself. 1. Flashlight By Spiral Code Studio The Flashlight plugin provides access to the flash LED light source, which can be used as a torch. This works on Android and iOS. Using it is quite simple: [crayon-5f8df5461f48e387934886/] Check it out on the Corona Store. 2. Vibrator By Spiral Code Studio The Vibrator plugin provides you a fine control over vibration ability of Android devices. iOS devices, unfortunately, lack such...

We have a few exciting new plugins available on the Corona Store: Spiral Code Studio returns to bring us Toast-style notifications, and Xibalba Studios brings two new utilities, written in Lua. Please visit the store to activate plugins, or to submit a plugin yourself. 1. Toast Notifications By Spiral Code Studio Toasts are messages displayed to the user for a brief time. You can now use them on Android and iOS, thanks to this plugin. Using it is quite simple: [crayon-5f8df5462079e615274544/] Check it out on the Corona Store. 2. MWC Random Number Generator By Xibalba Studios This is a simple, lightweight random number generator, adapted to Lua from some code...

We have two exciting new plugins available on the Corona Store: A versatile Twitter plugin by Jason Schroeder, and a QR code and barcode reader from Spiral Code Studio. Please visit the store to activate plugins, or to submit a plugin yourself. 1. Twitter By Jason Schroeder [embed][/embed] Created purely in Lua, this plugin leverages Twitter's powerful web APIs to allow Corona users to access Twitter. You can quickly and easily let users log in, display their profile image, send tweets, and much more. Because this plugin is written in pure Lua, it is supported on all platforms. [crayon-5f8df546213af214868169/] Check it out on the Corona Store. 2. QR...

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Corona SDK is now Solar2D
